10-11 October 2024, Stockholm Sweden      

Conference programme NMCC 2024

09:00-09:30Welcome words Lars-Olof Wahlund (Local representative of NIDD)
Miia Kivipelto (Theme Aging at Karolinska University Hospital)
Daniel Ferreira (Center for Alzheimer Research at Karolinska Institutet)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
09:30-11:00Session 1 - Alzheimer´s diseaseChair: Peter Høgh

"Emerging treatments in Alzheimer´s disease."
Kristian Steen Frederiksen (Denmark)

"Real-world validation of a blood test for Alzheimer’s disease in primary and secondary care."
Sebastian Palmqvist (Sweden)

"Implementation of Anti-Amyloid Drug Treatment at Memory Clinics."
Anne Koivisto (Finland)

"Alzheimer’s disease – could it be prevented?"
Geir Selbæk (Norway)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
11:00-12:30Lunch & Poster viewing
11:15-12:20Lunch symposium on the latest results on SouvenaidNutricia Souvenaid
Preliminary symposium program here
Venue: Wretling, Widerströmska huset
12:30-14:00Session 2 - Related disordersChair: Daniel Ferreira

Caroline Graff (Sweden)

"Vascular cognitive impairment: diagnosis/selection of patients for implementation of treatments at cognitive clinics."
Susanna Melkas (Finland)

"DLB: diagnosis/selection of patients for implementation of treatments at cognitive clinics."
Elisabet Londos (Sweden)

”Normal pressure hydrocephalus as a memory disorder and a window for living human brain.”
Ville Leinonen (Finland)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
14:00-15:00Coffee/Tea & Poster viewing
15:00-16:30Session 3 -Registration of DMTs in Nordic countriesChair: Anne-Brita Knapskog

"Why should we register real world data on DMT?– international initiatives."
Jon Snaedal (Iceland)

"The Nordic Network in Dementia Diagnostics (NIDD): a platform to collect data on dementia biomarkers and treatment outcomes."
Knut Engedal (Norway)

"Use of quality registries to follow-up new DMT´s- the example of SveDem."
Maria Eriksdotter (Sweden)

"ARIA as an adverse event for DMTs in AD - proposed practical guidelines."
Tobias Granberg (Sweden)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
15:00-16:30 Parallel sessionNursing GroupChair: Susanne Kristiansen

"Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition (BASIC) – a new case-finding instrument for cognitive impairment and dementia."
Niels Kasper Jørgensen(Denmark)

"Living with dementia at home: Receiving and adapting to a specialised day programme."
Margrét Guðnadóttir (Iceland)

"Prevention of Frail Elderly Syndrome and Individual Lifestyle Management."
Maria Pentti (Finland)

"Living in risk of Alzheimer´s disease."
Susanne Kristiansen (Denmark)
15:00-16:30 Parallel session Psychology Group Chair: Anne Koivisto

"An RCT evaluation of a novel Psychological Intervention tailored for Patients with early Cognitive Impairment (PIPCI)."
Urban Ekman (Sweden)

"The Link between Hearing Loss and Dementia."
Rebecca Hendel (Denmark)

"Cognitive assessment in the context of traditional and novel biomarkers."
Göran Hagman and Zuzana Istvanfyova (Sweden)

"Determinants and early identification of cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease."
Hanna Jokinen (Finland)
16:45-17:45Industry sponsored symposiumEli Lilly Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
19:00Conference dinner Haga Bottega
09:00-10:30Session 4 - Neuropsychiatric symptomsChair: Helga Eyjolfsdottir

"Introduction on neuropsychiatric symptoms and challenges - National guidelines in Finland."
Risto Vataja (Finland)

"Psychosocial treatment and communication with people with dementia and frontotemporal symptoms - Current best practice."
Marit Mjørud (Norway)

"Pharmacotherapy of neuropsychiatric symptoms in early stages of neurocognitive disorders."
Simona Sacuiu (Sweden)

"Neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia, best practice and drug pipeline."
Helga Eyjólfsdóttir (Iceland)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
10:30-11:30Coffee/Tea & Poster viewing
11:30-11:55Closing Key LectureChair: Miia Kivipelto

"Towards diagnosis ánd treatment of AD: how memory clinics may evolve in the coming years."
Wiesje van der Flier (Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands)
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
11:55-12:00Concluding remarksMiia Kivipelto
Lars-Olof Wahlund
Daniel Ferreira
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)
12:00-14:00Industry sponsored symposium
Including Lunch
Eisai & BioArctic
Improving patient management and defining meaningful benefits in Alzheimer’s disease.

12:00-12:35 Welcome and introduction
Prof. Miia Kivipelto MD, PhD
Lunch will be served

12:35-12:50 A new era in the management and diagnosis of patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Assoc. Prof. Kristian Steen Frederiksen MD, PhD

12:50-13:05 Understanding meaningful benefits with Alzheimer’s Disease treatments
Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Palmqvist MD, PhD

13:05-13:20 Meaningful benefits in Alzheimer’s Disease – What does this mean to patients, caregivers and health care system?
Prof. Miia Kivipelto MD, PhD

13:20-13:50 Panel discussion and Q&A
Assoc. Prof. Kristian Steen Frederiksen MD, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Palmqvist MD, PhD
Prof. Miia Kivipelto MD, PhD

13:50-14:00 Closing remarks
Prof. Miia Kivipelto MD, PhD
Venue: Sune Bergström, Karolinska University Hospital (BioClinicum)


Contact us

Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Tel: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
E-mail: nmcc2024@akademikonferens.se


Important dates

March: Registration opens
1 July: Call for abstracts closes
15 August: Last day with Early bird rate
